'DJ' and 'Producer' of 'SOUNDWAVE' "JAYNU" has been in full swing since 2017. He made his way to the major stage with his own colors of many genres. His first release album is 'OWL.' (March 2019 MoonRecords Release) In addition, 'ROLL UP' released in the first half of 2020 ranked 14th on the Beatport Electronic House chart. We are continuing our album activities to this day. 'JAYNU's new single album will be released in 'Digital Empire Records' in September 2020. "JAYNU" belongs to DJ/Performance Crew "Soundwave" and is looking forward to its future moves. [Booking & Contact] ♣ jaynu.official@gmail.com ♣ www.facebook.com/jaynu.official.kr ♣ www.instagram.com/dj_jaynu

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